Moving Sale Coming

I am moving across the country soon. So I'm going through and packing up my Calirornia art studio. I’ve found some really really beautiful drawings and paintings, mostly from my time studying at a classical painting and drawing school called The Ravenswood Atelier in Chicago. 

I’ve got painting studies done on scrapes of canvas, so many nude figure drawings sketched with pencil, and master copies of painting and drawings from Sargent and some Russian artists, pen and ink drawings and some other pieces. 

Next Wednesday, May 8th I am going to have a moving sale on my website were you can buy these paintings and drawings. It will only be open for one week before you loose your chance to get one.  

When I was training at my atelier I was focused on trying to make the end painting or drawing a masterpiece. All these pieces here are the sketches and studies I did to support the masterpieces. Its like pulling the curtain back and getting to see a moment of the process. You will get to see what the art studying process looked like while I was learning how to paint like the old masters did with 19th century art training. 

I love my studies and sketches. I think they are really charming and interesting and I’m really excited to share them with you soon. 

Your artist friend,
Jennifer Marie Keller

Click here if you want to watch my 2 minute video on this.  


How Ateliers Teach How To Paint